MÁS project - making access succeed for deaf and disabled students

MÁS project - making access succeed for deaf and disabled students
 Project finished  

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Broadening Access to Learning, Training and Employment for Deaf and Disabled People



The Más Project was a pilot project, funded by the Leonardo da Vinci Programme, to broaden access for deaf and disabled people to learning, training and employment. It run from 2001 to 2003

The project involved partners from Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom, developing three modules to widen access to education and employment. There were three partners in each country, representing universities, user groups and professional organisations. At the end of this page it is the information to contact us.

See also MÁS UK project website.

Past conferences:


  • Simicole 2002-t: multimedia software to train and improve reading comprehension in adult deaf people.


In Germany, the partners were responsible for developing a module to train and use educational interpreters and tutor-students:

  • The Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal is a University of Applied Sciences, and is one of the main academic institutions in the federal state of Sachsen-Anhalt. It has introduced a degree programme in sign language interpreting in a planned move to developing expertise in disability studies. This course has been extended to include deaf students, and is the first of its kind in any University of Applied Sciences, and complements the course at the University of Hamburg. It acted as both lead and secondary partner for the German module.

  • The Bundesverband der GebärdensprachdolmetscherInnen Deutschlands e.V. is a national organisation representing German Sign Language Interpreters. It promotes sign language interpreting in Germany and maintaining the quality of professional standards. It gives a high priority to the development of professional training programmes for interpreters, especially in the education field. It acted as a national dissemination partner in the German module, to promote the results form the project, and to help in the evaluation of the programme.

  • The Landesverband der Gehörlosen Sachsen-Anhalt is the main organisation of Deaf people in the federal state of Sachsen-Anhalt. It has more than a dozen local member organisations throughout the state, and is a member of the national German Deaf Association. It advocates Deaf people's rights to communication, education and equal opportunities and promotes their interests. It acted as a user group in the project, participating in the management, evaluation and dissemination of the Magdeburg module.

In Spain, the partners will be developing a module to promote the use of written language, and the improvement of reading skills, using sign language as scaffolding

  • Unidad de Investigación ACCESO (Research Unit ACCESO) belongs to the Department of Educational and Evolutive Psychology of Universitat de Valčncia-Estudi General in Spain. ACCESO participates in projects where the information and communication technologies are applied to the development and education of people with physical and/or sensorial disabilities. ACCESO will be the lead partner in Spain, with responsibility to develop the module on preparation through support. 

  • Federación de Personas Sordas de la Comunidad Valenciana -FESORD-CV is a federation of 14 local and regional associations of deaf people in the Valencia Region. It represents and defends the interests of the member associations, and was established in 1979 as a non profit organisation. FESORD is a member of the Spanish National Deaf Confederation (CNSE), allied to the EUD (Deaf European Union) and World Federation for Deaf (WFD). It acted as a social partner and user group in the project, contributing to the evaluation and management of the Spanish module and its testing.

  • Assessoria Universitŕria d'Estudiants amb Discapacitació is the Counselling Service for Disabled Students of Universitat de Valčncia Estudi General. Assesoria is one of the services provided by CADE, the Center for Students Counselling and Animation. CADE belongs to DISE the Student Information Service of Universitat de Valencia. Assessoria is the secondary partner in Spain, working with Bristol and Magdeburg to help make their modules applicable in Spain and accessible to users.

In the United Kingdom, the partners were developing a preparation programme that could be accessed online. See MÁS UK project website.

  • De Montfort University is one of the largest universities in the UK, with over 30,000 students studying at four different centres. The Faculty of Social and Community Studies has a developing expertise in disability issues, currently focusing on access for deaf students, students with dyslexia and blind students to vocational training, higher and further education. It has well-established connections with further education colleges. DeMontfort was the lead partner in the UK, with responsibility for developing the preparation module.

  • The Leicestershire Centre for Integrated Living (LCIL) is an organisation of disabled people, promoting their equal rights to full participation in society. It works closely with disabled people and the Deaf community in Leicester, and has an active partnership with the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID). It acted as the social partner and user group in the UK partnership, participating in the development of the UK module, and in its management and evaluation.

  • Bristol University is a sector leader in the development of support services for deaf students, with a particular focus on the development of educational interpreting and computer-based learning support. Its Access Unit for Deaf & Disabled Students is working in partnership with higher and further education institutions in the area to promote the participation of deaf and disabled people, with a particular focus on preparing students for higher education. It acted as the secondary partner for the UK, investigating how the UK module could be made applicable in Magdeburg and Valencia.

Contact us

If you wish you can email the contact person in each of the partner countries.

      • United Kingdom: George Taylor
        De Montfort University
        MÁS UK project website
      • Deutchland - Germany: Jens Hessmann
        Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal

      • España - Spain. Antonio Ferrer
        Universitat de València

Webpage maintained by Unidad ACCESO. Updated: 12/03/04

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last updated: 12/03/04